Completion Of The Vision
Our Plan 
Our Plan
It is our plan to convert this multi-functional building into a Community Training Center for the low income population of East Lake and surrounding communities and to be in operation seven days a week.
1. Our Life Skills Training will assist teens and adults with true identity, life's hurdles, over coming rejection, relationships, anger management, abstinence and financial responsibility.
2. GED Classes will prepare teens and adults with the skills necessary to excel in the standardized tests given by Chattanooga State Technical Community College.
3. Job Readiness, Resume Writing and Career Development Training will prepare teens and adults with qualified access into the marketplace.
4. In our Drug and Alcohol Mentor-ship Program, we plan to match trainees with men and women of integrity who have overcome these addictions and will assist in obtaining needed counseling and treatment for those wanting a new life and freedom from the bondage of drugs and alcohol addictions.
5. Computer Classes will be provided by trained professional with online curriculum for all ages utilizing and alternating schedule for the various age groups.
6. The After School Programs and reading Center will include an online curriculum that serves the various skill levels for each individual child. There will be tutors in the computer room for personal attention as the students need assistance as well as in the Reading Center for our daily Homework and Story Time.
7. Spanish Classes for those who want to reach-out to our large Latino population in East Lake area and surrounding communities.
8. English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for our Latino population, including After School Programming for children and evening programming for adults.
9. An Adopt- A-Block training will be in phases:
  • Phase I  - relationship building with the neighbors, one block at a time
  • Phase II - meeting needs, in collaboration with partnering businesses
10. Food, Clothing, Blankets and Shoes for the homeless population in East Lake and surrounding communities as a way to earn their trust by offering the Gospel, love and life changing opportunities.
11. Thrift Store purchases in exchange for classroom tokens earned by attending available classes.
12. Leadership and Volunteer Training will be an on-going process, not only for the neighborhood out-reach and surrounding communities, but also for our Prison Outreach, and Nursing Home Out-Reach. As a means of relationship-building we host a Community Festival three times a year, a Back-to-School Bash, Ladies' Functions, Mans Nights, Youth Out-Reach, and girls that includes visits to institutions of higher learning, correctional, institution, plays, movies and other enrichment activities.
We are committed to proclaiming the Gospel, touching lives and changing communities by reaching out to the lost and helping the needy to become self-supporting, self-sufficient, independent and productive citizens in the East Lake area and surrounding communities.